Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday: March 2, 2014

Cooper has enjoyed another busy week. He participated in all his therapies and used his left arm a lot in the pool. We have been working with him a lot on using his left hand. Each night after his bath we put his tooth brush in his left hand and he is now able to get it to his mouth and move it back and forth. Another huge accomplishment! We have noticed the hardest thing for him is using his fingers. He can't open them on his own which makes it difficult to do most small tasks.

Cooper had blood work done again on Tuesday to see if his counts were up enough for Chemo. We received very disappointing news. They had actually dropped again. We are praying, and asking for all of you to pray, they will be up enough this Tuesday so he can start his Chemo again.

One accomplishment this week has been his medicine. I'm so excited to say that we no longer have to hold Cooper down for all of his medicines. He will take four of the six each morning with me just giving them to him. There are two he really doesn't like the taste of, so we do have to hold him down for those, but it is so much easier now! He will take all of his bedtime medicines without any trouble!!!

We were able to go for a few walks this week. While Mommy went for a run, Cooper and Daddy went for a bike ride. Cooper was asleep in only a few minutes. He has been talking so much lately. He mocks everything we say and is appropriately answering "yes" and "no" questions. He amazes us and makes us more and more proud every day!

Peanut Butter and Jelly!

 Cooper's new favorite book: a photo album of himself!

Cooper playing in the cabinets

Cooper and Harley playing

Riding his motorcycle!

I love this face!

Showing Mommy his tongue!

His kisses are the best!

Therapy Time: Spaghetti Noodles

 Cooper in his gate trainer, not his favorite therapy!
Cooper has discovered Fudge Rounds!

Heading out for our walk

Hi Mommy!

Cooper in his stander, he enjoys for a short period of time.

 Cooper and Elmo eating breakfast

Bike Ride!

 Cooper taking his medicine!


  1. LOVE that jelly face! And Cooper knows a good book when he sees one. So glad he is taking his med so much better. It broke my heart the first time I saw him taking them. His kisses are so special...a real gentleman! Love that young-n! Praying that his blood count will be up to where it should be and he can continue his chemo. As much as I hate to see him have to go through it, I know it is necessary. Love, Hugs & Prayers!

  2. Love all the pictures and I think of you Cooper everyday and all your family.Cooper and all his family are in my prayers and will be praying extra hard for your blood count to get back up and for your continue recovery.You have come so far.Sending Lots of Love to you and All of your family.Keep on Keeping On Trooper Cooper,you are so sweet !!
