Sunday, July 6, 2014

Christmas in July

We started our week off by celebrating Christmas one more time!  Cooper liked the paper most of all. 

Cooper had a port flush and blood work on Wednesday. He was to start his chemo Wednesday afternoon but the blood results showed that his platelets were too low. We will be checking his labs again this Wednesday. As much as we hate chemo, we are praying his platelets will be up enough so we can stay on track. 

We have decided to have Cooper's hearing checked to make sure everything looks good with it. We have an appointment scheduled in early August. 

The Jewell's had a very happy 4th of July. We attended the Lindside Parade that morning. Cooper was ecstatic over the fire trucks. That afternoon we had a cookout with family and friends Cooper was able to soon some quality time with his cousins. Fireworks? Not for us. Cooper can't make it that late. Maybe next year. 

Friday was a very special day. Cooper got a new baby cousin. My sister had her first baby early that morning. Eli James Acord: 9 lbs 3 oz. He's beautiful. We get to meet him Thursday and can't wait!

Cooper is doing awesome wearing his eye patch. He doesn't fuss and we don't have to distract him anymore. He plays, eats, and walks (a little more than last week) with it on. We are sure he has vision, we just aren't sure how much. 

Some very exciting news: Cooper has used the potty several times this week. He has peed in it several nights before going to bed. He has also pooped in the potty twice. It's a start!

We have a very busy week ahead. Thanks again to all who have prayed and are continuing to pray for our family! It means so much to us. 

Cooper can make coffee all by himself!

Christmas again!

I was telling Cooper not to throw his puzzle pieces. He was not in the mood to listen! 

Playing in the garage on a rainy day. 

using two hands

Finger painting time 

So cute

Last year's pic

this year's pic

The parade

Fire truck!

He's so funny!

so sweet

Cooper's new cousin, Eli 


  1. I love all of the pictures, as always. Cooper continues to amaze me on a daily basis. He's such a smart child and so sweet. His expressions and actions are just too cute! I'm anxious for Cooper and Eli to meet. Now I have two "favorites". I love them both very much. The pic of Cooper with the puzzle is too cute! Love, Hugs and Prayers.

  2. Cooper is growing so fast.I love the pic of Cooper and his mommy,I love the pic of Cooper and his daddy.Trooper sure has a cuz that is also as handsome and sweet as he is..So glad you continue to share Cooper's journey with us.Continue prayers for Mr. Cooper and all his family....Keep on Keeping on Trooper Cooper..You have come so far !!!! Much Love to You All !!!!
