So I spent over an hour and a half last week working on the blog before accidentally deleting it. So, it won't be in as much detail but I will try my best to recap the events from last week.
Cooper had all his regular therapies. We believe he has now learned it is therapy and not play. When the therapists arrive he turns into an "I'm not going to do that, ignoring you" kind of child. So tomorrow we are going to try therapy at the park.
Cooper and I had dentist appointments. Cooper's teeth are beautiful and we are now flossing them. He actually finds it funny and goes along with it.
Two weeks ago Cooper was neutropenic and last week his platelets were too low for chemo. We go Tuesday for blood work and hopefully all will be good and we can start back on chemo this Wednesday.
We got to spend the night in a hotel last week due to two full days, back to back, in Roanoke. We met with Cooper's eye doctor and he was beyond thrilled with the progress he has made. He said his right eye is doing amazingly well. We are to continue to patch until his next visit in September and we will determine our next steps from there.
Cooper had a vision evaluation this week. It's really hard to determine much at this point since he can't talk to us. She will be visiting us once a month.
I've discovered a way to get Cooper to eat at least a small amount to food. He seems to do better if I just put it all in front of him at once and allow him to make a mess. No, it's not what I want but he's eating. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.
Cooper has been book crazy this past week. He is constantly going over and choosing a book he wants me to read to him. Today we spent about 45 minutes reading books. I love it!
Daddy has been working on a new project for Cooper: a swing set with a clubhouse. We are so excited to see the finished product.
Cooper and Mommy started a new project this week also. A sweet lady has been sending Cooper a pack of stickers, about one per week, ever since he was in the hospital. We decided to start a sticker collection with them. So tonight we sat down and started putting the stickers in the book. We didn't get too far because there are so many, but I'm very excited to continue this activity with Cooper. After finishing a page Cooper would look at it in amazement, rub the page, and say "awe."
This is going to be a very busy and stressful week. We may start back on chemo if counts are good, we have an MRI to check the tumor, then we have an appointment with the neurosurgeon, and an audio gram to check Cooper's hearing. This doesn't include his PT on Monday and Friday, his OT on Tuesday, and his regular PT/OT/ST in Roanoke on Wednesday. Please pray we receive positive news.
Cooper listening to paw paw read him a story.
Cooper had a date with Kendall last week
Dr. Katie checking Cooper's teeth
Enjoying an ice cream cone

Love his face
He heard a truck go by
Loving Uncle Kelly's new store
Eating a little Japanese
He insisted on taking his own luggage into the room

He slept all night in a big bed
Riding elevator, heading to therapy- this pic cracks me up!
After all our appointments we went to the zoo ( PetSmart!!!). Cooper like the birds but loved this
little puppy. The couple was so kind to let Cooper play with it.

Would you eat from his kitchen?
Helping Mommy pull weeds, is it sad a two year old knows what a weed is?
Hanging out with cousins: Ashton and Eli

This little stinker and his coffee

Who cares if he makes a mess as long as he eats!
Wasn't too happy about this meal.

Walking in the water by himself. He went under twice and it didn't phase him at all.
He's this happy because we were at Mommy's doctor appointment and not his for once!
Jewell's IGAs new stock boy. He loved changing the prices.

I always stop at the end of the driveway so Cooper and I can check the mail. Then he drives us
to the garage. Well lately he's been wanting to ride in the passenger seat. Cracks me up how
he acts so big!
Well this is just great. He found one of his birthday gifts and he will not let me take it away.
Love the pictures, as always! And so great to know his right eye is doing so well! I think so often of the prognosis that was given at first and look at how far he has come. It's totally amazing and such a blessing. God is not only good but He is great! It looks like Cooper and Kendell may have a "thing" going on! So cute! It is so sweet of the lady sending the stickers. There's some wonderful people out in the world. And Cooper sitting in the passenger seat...too funny! He's starting his job at the store early in life. He is such a smart child. I pray he continues to do better each day. It's so hard seeing a young child have to endure so much, but this is one tough young man. Maw Maw loves you Cooper Jewell! Love, Hugs & Prayers!
ReplyDeleteSo many pictures! I absolutely love the ones with Eli and Ashton! They are precious!
ReplyDeleteHe melts my heart. Such a sweetheart!
ReplyDeleteGotta love that Cooper Jewell! He is utterly amazing!