Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday: December 23, 2013

Cooper had a really good day today. He worked hard for his therapists. He napped only a little while and actually ate almost an entire helping of spaghetti. His glove arrived today and he wore it without a fuss. It is made to help his thumb and wrist from drawing in. My favorite part of the day was the last 15 minutes I got to snuggle with him before putting him down for the night.

Also, we would like to once again thank everyone who is sending prayers, thoughts, cards, and gifts our way. We received another "bundle" today. It's so nice reading all the kinds words from everyone.

Randy and I saw this today and for a second we thought we were back home!

My boy is finally eating!

He is excited for spaghetti!

 Mommy's Fav of the Day: Look at how messy he is!

He only got 10 minutes of fish fun before they turned it off.


  1. The Rooster - That's funny! Are you sure that Cooper ate almost a full serving of spaghetti...Look at his face! HA HA! He loves his spaghetti! Glad he had a good day and hope he sleeps well with many great days ahead. I wish I could reach through my monitor and pull him to me. I miss him, his hugs, laughs and everything about him. Love, Hugs & Prayers

  2. Just look at that spaghetti face; love it!! So glad he eat good today..Good job troopercooper!! A big hug from me and Hunter to all of you.. Continued prayers each day.. Love from Me and Hunter Weis!!!

  3. Pretty sure there is another helping of spaghetti spread around his face, hands and arms! LOL! This is one of those "Priceless" pictures. Wishing Cooper and his beautiful Mom & Dad a very "Merry Christmas" You will be in our thoughts and prayers as always.

  4. The boys looked at Cooper and said,"Boy he loves spaghetti!" Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week.

  5. Those pictures looks great. Sheila told me yesterday how I was able to comment on your blog. I have been keeping up with you guys on the blog and it is a great way of keeping up with you all and Cooper. Hunter and I want you all to know that if you need anything please let us know and that we love you all so very much and keeping you all in our prayers. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
