Saturday, December 21, 2013

Saturday: December 21, 2013

Well we were better prepared with the nausea after Chemo this time, but he still didn't feel well at all today. There wasn't anything we could do to comfort him. He barely made it through therapies before taking a 5 hour nap! He didn't eat anything today, but played a lot this afternoon. We are now planning for Saturdays to be his resting day.

Cooper spinning his wheels

This is what chemo will do to you!

Enjoying the 70 degree weather !

Mom's Fav of the Day: Love that mischievous little face!

Giving Daddy Five!


  1. Cooper loves wheels and the outdoors! And that mischievous face is too stinking cute! And bless his heart, I wish he didn't have to do the chemo...I wish he didn't have to go through any of this. No child should! Looks like lovely weather and happy that you all are getting to enjoy it. Miss you all! Love, Hugs & Prayers

  2. I sure hope Cooper is feeling much better this morning.. It is 5am on Monday the 23rd and I have been up and down through the night to read the blog for Sunday the 22nd and don't see anything posted (feeling concerned).. So glad the nausea medicine helped him; glad the weather was nice here so all of you could get outside.. Good job troopercooper on the high five!! Just want to go ahead and wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Love and prayers from me and Hunter
