Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cooper's Found His Voice!

While listening to music this week Cooper has been singing along. I couldn't get every time on video but I did get one good one!

Cooper had lots of therapy this weekend. He had his Physical Therapy evaluation Wednesday. We were told Cooper is at about 13 months. He walks pretty well as long as he wears his braces on his feet. When barefooted, he struggles. This was hard news for us to hear. 

Our physical therapist told us we need to make sure Cooper is weight bearing on his left arm/hand at least one to two hours everyday. This is very challenging for us because Cooper does not tolerate this well. I've tried to use play dough and cookie cutters but that lasts about 10 minutes if I'm lucky. I need to get more creative. 

Since Cooper loves Popsicles I decided to make homemade ones using fresh fruit. Thinking this was such a good idea I was disappointed when he refused to eat one. Daddy tried to make Cooper a smoothie. Well Daddy ended up drinking it. Once again I guess I need more creativity. 

Blood work was another negative experience this week. This time they were able to hit the veins but couldn't get blood to flow. After 30 minutes we gave up. We discussed having to put Cooper through this every week with the doctor. She said we could do only one test which requires just a finger sick on weeks he does not have chemo. Then on weeks he does have chemo we will run all the tests since his port will be accessed. This was a relief for Mommy and Daddy. 

It's hard to believe that we have been patching Cooper's eye for a month now. He has been such a sport with this. It doesn't even bother him when we put it on. The ONLY time he tries to pull it off is when he is in time out. Go figure! We go back to the eye doctor on Tuesday. I'm so excited to brag to the doctor on how well Cooper is doing. I'm also excited to hear what he has to say about Cooper's progress. 

Something very exciting is that Cooper has been signing like crazy this week. He is using: more, out, all done, and sometimes please while saying the words. I'm so proud of him. 

     Cooper being sneaky and hiding under the table to eat a cookie!

     Cooper's favorite part of therapy

  He always wipes up after he eats

     New Hair Cut

     This pic just cracks me up, look at his face and with that thermos......

     Brushing pup-pup, let's not mention its a cleaning brush!

     So handsome :)

     We still the mail 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day. He loves getting mail. Here he is reading          
     the mail. 
     Being a great sport and wearing his eye patch

    Cooper and Mommy enjoying breakfast together. Cooper sometimes eats at the "big" table. 

     Listening to Pops play the guitar and sing

     Playing the iPad with Daddy

    *Sorry, but I have tried several times to upload the video of Cooper singing and can't get it to do so.     
     I will keep trying and if I get it I will post it next week. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

A Fun Filled Week

Cooper has had a very busy week. We started the week off with picking blueberries. Cooper didn't mind that at all as long as we kept him moving. Maw Maw kept him for a few hours on Monday and treated him out to lunch. Tuesday was Mommy's birthday but we didn't do anything. Cooper did show off that afternoon, laughing harder than I ever remember him doing so. We made homemade muffins with our fresh picked blueberries. 

Wednesday was by far the worst day. Cooper had one of his three therapies in Roanoke then we headed to the hospital to get blood work. After over an hour of Mommy, Daddy, and two nurses holding him down the nurse finally got enough blood to send off. It is so hard watching him fight. All of his blood work was good so we started his Chemo pill that afternoon and just finished the last one today. 

Thursday we headed out early. We drove to Ripley and spent the day with my sister, her husband, and their beautiful new baby, Eli. Cooper did great until I held Eli. Then he wanted his mommy. We left that evening and drove into Charleston and stayed with Randy's grandparents. We had a nice visit with them. We headed back Friday afternoon. Our trips north are always too short. 

Cooper and Mommy spent Saturday finishing up his playroom. He has a little "cubby" area off to the back of his bedroom that we've always used for storage. I cleaned out and organized our attic so Cooper could have a place to make a mess and Mommy and Daddy wouldn't worry about it! I was so excited when it all fell together and Cooper loves it in there. 

We have a lot of appointments this week. Cooper has therapy tomorrow, two therapies Tuesday plus his 6 month evaluation meeting, Roanoke on Wednesday, therapy on Thursday and Friday. It never ends!

        Picking Blueberries

            Cooper and Mommy's homemade blueberry muffins

            Cooper showing Grandma Lynn how to make a shutterfly book

              Helping Mommy mop

              Cooper enjoying the fish at Cheddar's

             Happy to be on the road to see his cousin Eli for the first time

              Eli James was born July 5, weighing 9 lbs and 3 oz

         Cooper and Eli, look at their hands!

              Cooper loved rubbing his head

              Cooper and Aunt Sheila

            Cooper, his plunger, and his "dump"---that's what he calls his dump truck

              Too much excitement

               Cooper, Daddy, and his great grand parents

              Cooper loved her tickling his belly

              He also his ride to the car

             Still learning to feed himself, notice the cereal in his hair!

            Bubble bath time

            Cooper's storage room full of his things

           All cleaned out

            Cooper's new playroom

             Cooper's chalkboard 
           Cooper brushing his teeth

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Christmas in July

We started our week off by celebrating Christmas one more time!  Cooper liked the paper most of all. 

Cooper had a port flush and blood work on Wednesday. He was to start his chemo Wednesday afternoon but the blood results showed that his platelets were too low. We will be checking his labs again this Wednesday. As much as we hate chemo, we are praying his platelets will be up enough so we can stay on track. 

We have decided to have Cooper's hearing checked to make sure everything looks good with it. We have an appointment scheduled in early August. 

The Jewell's had a very happy 4th of July. We attended the Lindside Parade that morning. Cooper was ecstatic over the fire trucks. That afternoon we had a cookout with family and friends Cooper was able to soon some quality time with his cousins. Fireworks? Not for us. Cooper can't make it that late. Maybe next year. 

Friday was a very special day. Cooper got a new baby cousin. My sister had her first baby early that morning. Eli James Acord: 9 lbs 3 oz. He's beautiful. We get to meet him Thursday and can't wait!

Cooper is doing awesome wearing his eye patch. He doesn't fuss and we don't have to distract him anymore. He plays, eats, and walks (a little more than last week) with it on. We are sure he has vision, we just aren't sure how much. 

Some very exciting news: Cooper has used the potty several times this week. He has peed in it several nights before going to bed. He has also pooped in the potty twice. It's a start!

We have a very busy week ahead. Thanks again to all who have prayed and are continuing to pray for our family! It means so much to us. 

Cooper can make coffee all by himself!

Christmas again!

I was telling Cooper not to throw his puzzle pieces. He was not in the mood to listen! 

Playing in the garage on a rainy day. 

using two hands

Finger painting time 

So cute

Last year's pic

this year's pic

The parade

Fire truck!

He's so funny!

so sweet

Cooper's new cousin, Eli