Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cooper's Found His Voice!

While listening to music this week Cooper has been singing along. I couldn't get every time on video but I did get one good one!

Cooper had lots of therapy this weekend. He had his Physical Therapy evaluation Wednesday. We were told Cooper is at about 13 months. He walks pretty well as long as he wears his braces on his feet. When barefooted, he struggles. This was hard news for us to hear. 

Our physical therapist told us we need to make sure Cooper is weight bearing on his left arm/hand at least one to two hours everyday. This is very challenging for us because Cooper does not tolerate this well. I've tried to use play dough and cookie cutters but that lasts about 10 minutes if I'm lucky. I need to get more creative. 

Since Cooper loves Popsicles I decided to make homemade ones using fresh fruit. Thinking this was such a good idea I was disappointed when he refused to eat one. Daddy tried to make Cooper a smoothie. Well Daddy ended up drinking it. Once again I guess I need more creativity. 

Blood work was another negative experience this week. This time they were able to hit the veins but couldn't get blood to flow. After 30 minutes we gave up. We discussed having to put Cooper through this every week with the doctor. She said we could do only one test which requires just a finger sick on weeks he does not have chemo. Then on weeks he does have chemo we will run all the tests since his port will be accessed. This was a relief for Mommy and Daddy. 

It's hard to believe that we have been patching Cooper's eye for a month now. He has been such a sport with this. It doesn't even bother him when we put it on. The ONLY time he tries to pull it off is when he is in time out. Go figure! We go back to the eye doctor on Tuesday. I'm so excited to brag to the doctor on how well Cooper is doing. I'm also excited to hear what he has to say about Cooper's progress. 

Something very exciting is that Cooper has been signing like crazy this week. He is using: more, out, all done, and sometimes please while saying the words. I'm so proud of him. 

     Cooper being sneaky and hiding under the table to eat a cookie!

     Cooper's favorite part of therapy

  He always wipes up after he eats

     New Hair Cut

     This pic just cracks me up, look at his face and with that thermos......

     Brushing pup-pup, let's not mention its a cleaning brush!

     So handsome :)

     We still the mail 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day. He loves getting mail. Here he is reading          
     the mail. 
     Being a great sport and wearing his eye patch

    Cooper and Mommy enjoying breakfast together. Cooper sometimes eats at the "big" table. 

     Listening to Pops play the guitar and sing

     Playing the iPad with Daddy

    *Sorry, but I have tried several times to upload the video of Cooper singing and can't get it to do so.     
     I will keep trying and if I get it I will post it next week. 


  1. Such great pictures! He is so handsome and some of his expressions will crack you up. Look at those rolls on that boy in the last picture! He sure looks to be healthy. Cooper is a big help too, brushing the dog and cleaning up after he eats. I'm so glad they have a better way of getting his blood. Poor Cooper, it's been so rough on him. But he is a tough one! I sure hope that he will soon be evaluated at his age group. But he is still so smart and can get anywhere he wants to go. Way to go "Trooper Cooper". Love, Hugs & Prayers

  2. Where is Coopers Fishing pole and Tackle Box?
