Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday: April 6, 2014

With the exception of a cough and runny nose, Cooper has had a pretty good week. We still can't get him to eat anything. He did eat two pieces of watermelon this afternoon. He is turning down all of his favorites and everything new I'm offering him.

He had therapies in Roanoke, along with Chemo, on Wednesday. He loved the pool of course, but didn't work for the other two therapist. We could tell his Chemo was starting to take a toll on him, but he has seemed to perk up over the last day or so. Chemo was as usual, never fun, but we got through it. They actually had trouble accessing him, then he bled. We do have to keep an extra check on his temperature do to his blood levels being so low. Normal is around 2,000, for a Chemo patient 1,000 is ok. Cooper's were 390 on Wednesday. They told us that if he was to get sick would automatically be admitted to the hospital. So, Daddy and I have our bag packed and ready in case that time ever arrives.

Cooper has been talking so much lately. He will repeat everything you say. Today instead of saying "cup," he said "milk." This was new and exciting for us.

We are hoping for another good week. We have an appointment tomorrow in Princeton to be fitted for new orthotics and shoes. Cooper has a two week break from Chemo, but will still have to have his blood checked on Wednesday.

Thanks again for all of you who are saying an extra prayer for our "Trooper."

Wearing turquoise to support our friend, EMMA!

Trying to escape

Heading out for a walk, Cooper loves his car

Pool time with Mommy and Daddy

He was so excited to find the rocking chair in the waiting room

Our little "Trooper Cooper"

Cooper wouldn't let her get any work done, he wanted to play "peek-a-boo"

Chemo cuddle time

Cooper is #1

This is just too priceless, I love it!

Oh how he loved that Toostie Pop

He thinks he's supposed to sit on his drawing pad while drawing on it.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping our Trooper Cooper in prayer. I know he has come so far, but I look into his little eyes and think about what he has to go through, like so many others, and tears still fall and my heart still aches. But he still has that precious smile and the sweetest kisses. It won't be long and he will be "escaping", right out the door. He's getting so tall. It's wonderful that he is learning so much and doing so well. Praying that his blood count will come up and hope he has a better week. Cooper is a little stinker for sure. Love, Hugs & Prayers
