Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday: March 16, 2014

I don't even know where to begin. Cooper had his Chemo Wednesday, and considering, all went well. I took the day off and went with him. His pool therapy was awesome. He works so hard and moves his left hand so much in the water. Chemo was ok, after he was accessed and "hooked" up. He rested on my lap and was happy afterwards. So far, he has not been sick from this treatment. His appetite is still good and he has been in a great mood. Let's pray this continues.

Cooper has been using "lefty" a lot lately. When we say "lefty" he raises his left arm/hand and shows us. He is brushing his teeth, checking the mail, turning off light switches, and giving high fives with it. One day this week he picked up a medicine dropper from a cup and put it to his mouth! He was also trying to get in his music box and couldn't keep the lid open. He got so upset, Daddy told him to use lefty and he did! Cooper has come such a long ways.

Cooper's speech has also improved a lot. He isn't saying two-word phrases yet, but he has picked up so many new words and is constantly mocking us. He is also "singing" to the radio when in the car. He knows most all of his body parts and is always asking us to "rock" in the big chair or "bounce" on his ball. He loves to tell us and himself "no" when he isn't suppose to do something.

We have been so thankful for this warm weather. We were able to go for several walks and Cooper got to play outside with his cousin. We also spent an afternoon feeding the ducks at the duck pond. We are blessed!

Cooper kissing his penguin

He loves to color

"Rocking" while drinking his juice

Playing in the dirt with cousin Keyan

Waiting on some Sushi!

Look at that smile!
He got his favorite dinner after Chemo: Beefaroni!

We also treated him to a Blizzard from the DQ after Chemo

Enjoying the warm weather at the Duck Pond

Cooper receiving his Chemo treatment

Daddy and Cooper after Chemo

Oh how this kid loves bananas

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!

This is my favorite!


  1. Cooper is such a happy boy. So glad things have gone well with this chemo treatment. Sure hope it stays that way. When he smiles, he smiles all over and gives such a warmth to the heart. Nothing like little boys playing in the dirt. That is so cute. Love his "St. Patty's Day" pics. He's such a big boy. Prayers for Cooper that he will continue to progress so well and not be sick from the chemo. Love, Hugs & Prayers.

  2. Trooper Cooper you have came so Far.So happy that the Chemo went well this time for you ..Love all the pictures and love you little guy.Keep On Keeping on Cooper you have got this.Continue prayers for you and all of your family.I think of you every day.You are one strong determined little guy !!!! Again you have some amazing parents .. ..Love to you All...
