Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday: March 9, 2014

Cooper had his blood checked again on Tuesday and once again his counts were too low for Chemo. Luckily they did come up a bit, so we are hoping that when they are checked this Tuesday they will be back up to normal. It's so sad because Cooper is in the best of a mood when he's not taking his Chemo. He is happy, eats well, plays well, and has the best personality.

He has made some great improvements this week. He talks all the time and is starting to use his left hand more. I had Monday and Friday off so I worked a lot with him. We used "lefty" to play with play-doh, rice, brush our teeth and hair, and read touch and feel books. When we ask Cooper where his left hand is, he raises it in the air and shows it to us. The therapist wants us to get at least 2 hours a day in his stander. This is a challenge because he doesn't like it. However, on my days off I was able to get him in it for a few long periods each day.

I've been worried about Cooper not eating vegetables. He will eat his fruit and meat, but refuses veggies. Since he loves Beefaroni I decided to try to make some of my own. I pureed vegetable soup and mixed it with pasta. I was unable to trick him. He ate a little bit but wasn't happy about it.

Cooper is napping now. The weather looks beautiful out. I'm hoping that when he wakes we may be able to go for a walk. That's one of his favorite things to do.

Cooper and Harley enjoying breakfast 

Cooper "making it rain" with his rice

He loves talking to Elmo

Yum, chocolate cookies

Cooper is always telling us he wants to "rock" in his chair

Playing with his new train set

Eating a popcicle in his stander

Cooper is using his left hand to hold his puff container

We had Christmas with the Jewells, Cooper is looking at this gift wondering what is it?

Using both hands to play the symbols

New music toy

Mommy's Beefaroni is not as good as Chef Boyardee

Enjoying some outside time

Cooper decided to clean out the tuber ware drawer


  1. Love all the pictures. Cooper has the most adorable smile and personality. Harley better watch out...Looks like Elmo and Cooper are getting pretty tight. To look at that "beffaroni" face I don't know what would make you think yours' isn't as good as chef-Boyardee's! It's awesome that he's using his left hand more. Hopefully he will continue to use it more and more. Prayers that his blood work will be good this week so he can get started back on his chemo. Sure hate to see him have to go through that and to see how it effects him. It is necessary and the soon he gets back on it, the sooner he will be finished with it. Cooper is always a happy little guy for the most part, but he has been so much more himself the past few weeks, while off of the chemo. And he has had a really good apatite. Love, Hugs & Prayers.

  2. Sure have been thinking of trooper Cooper..He is for sure a sweet heart.Continue prayers for him and all his family.Keep on Keeping On Trooper Cooper....sending lots of Love to him !
