Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday: November 12, 2013

11-12-13  Cooper is 14 months old today!

Tonight is our last night in Roanoke. We are leaving around 4:00 in the morning for Kings Daughters. Randy and I are very excited to see what they have in store for our little man. We are also excited to get him outside! It's hard to believe that tomorrow will make 17 days we've spent in the hospital.

Cooper spent the day visiting with his grandparents, playing, and eating ice cream.

 Playing in the playroom

Looking at the donation wall

Bath Time ~ Love Love Love that face!

Last Night in Room 1157
One Last Wagon Ride


  1. Wishing you all a safe trip. It's hard knowing all of you will be so far away but if this is what our little Cooper needs, then this is what we'll have to deal with. Give my lil Cooper hugs, kisses and my love. Hope great progress is made. Love you all.

  2. I hope you guys have a safe trip. We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Praying that Cooper will continue to accomplish great things!
    Love & prayers,
    The Williams Family

  3. Wishing you three a safe journey to Kings Daughters...which one are you going to? It's been great to see Cooper's amazing progress through the blog and photos. I know you two are tired and stressed but you look wonderful and I know that your faith is pulling you through all of the ups and downs of the day to day struggles. I'm happy to see every accomplishment celebrated, as it truly is a miracle. Little ones are so resilient and Cooper is definitely a TROOPER! Love from all four of us!! Aiden and Mitchell have been including Cooper in their prayers at dinner and bedtime every day. They want to see the updates and each picture brings a story of their time together in WA and how cute and special he is.

  4. Have a safe trip to Kings Daughters. We love watching Cooper's progress. The Lord is good!! We can see progress. I hope you can keep up with the blog while you are there.
    Our Prayers
    Virginia and Jerry

  5. Cooper you are an amazing little boy and people are praying for you all over the world. This journey is a tough one but God is right there with you and will definitely see you through the difficult times. Best of Luck in Norfolk and I can't wait to see all the progress you will continue to make. My son Tony just said last night can we go back and see Cooper again this weekend. I said he's on his way to Norfolk now and he said we could still go.
