Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday: January 7, 2014
I'm to the point where I'm almost afraid to have a good day because every time we do it's followed by something negative happening. Cooper didn't sleep at all last night. By midnight I had already been up with him 4 times. He didn't even want me holding him. At this point I gave him an 8 oz milk, which he guzzled down. Then I was up with him every 15-20 minutes until 3:00 a.m. I gave him another milk, he drank the entire thing. It started again with him getting up every 15-20 minutes. He would sit up in his crib, scream like he was scared, and hit the railing on the sides. Finally at 4:45 I turned on the lights and said "Good Morning!" I couldn't fight this any longer and asked the nurse to get in touch with the doctor. He ordered another sodium check and a urine analysis. His sodium came back high at 147 and his urine was extremely diluted. He got his meds around 8, refused breakfast, but continued to drink. Cooper's oncology doctor said he was probably acting this way because his sodium was so high and he couldn't get enough to drink. For the rest of the day we had him drinking lots of water. They did another sodium check this afternoon and it was 146, still high.
Cooper had a great ST session. He was very happy. We noticed today that he is copying us a lot more than usual. He said "cup" as clear as it could be and seemed to be making new sounds. He was fussy during OT but was able to get some work accomplished. He then napped, but had a hard time doing it. He woke just before his PT session. This time he was only fussy when they forced him into a position he didn't like. He did a lot of standing, but refused to walk for them.

Cooper was in his wheelchair when he returned from PT. He wanted out so I unbuckled him and he stood. Then he stepped down and walked towards me. He wanted to go back to the wheelchair and almost took a step, but realized he was alone. So then he turned back around grabbed onto the rocker, lifted his left hand up (didn't use it though) and took three steps holding on! This was amazing to see!

No lunch or dinner for Cooper today, he refused all foods. That is until bath time when he decided apple sauce sounded good. He ate about 2 ounces and was finished.

Right before bath he did get sick, but we feel it was because he guzzled down about 5 ounces of water and got strangled. He has been fine ever since.

Please continue to pray for Cooper. We really need prayers now. He's having a pretty hard time and we would love to get some answers so we can get him well.

Mommy's Fav of the Day: I love kisses from Cooper!

Cooper meeting Reece today!

Cooper showing Mommy his teeth


  1. Sorry Cooper's day wasn't the best. Prayers for a good night and a much better tomorrow. Great to hear that he is walking some, using his left arm, even if it is only a little and copying things. Those are great signs. Cooper loves proving the doctors wrong and he knows that GOD is in control. Miss you all so much. Love, Hugs & Prayers

  2. The ups and downs has to be so hard on everyone especially Cooper.. He is such a tough lil' guy and Jessica you guys are so amazingly strong.. I know you all have your moments in private that no one sees or hears except the Good Lord and I know he hears and answers prayers.. Continuing to pray for all of you; hope the sodium level comes day and Cooper I am so proud of you for all your hard work even when you don't feel good.. Hope all has a good night and praying for better days to come and for God's healing.. Love and prayers from me and Hunter..
